We built our content strategy using new channels and content formats. Content was created with the goal of inspiring people to take action. We created a multichannel content funnel to ensure audiences saw particular content at various stages of the user journey. 

1) Awareness Stage

Our secret weapon for conquering these new audiences? BodySlims’ customers! We promoted inspirational customer testimonials on YouTube and Meta to generate awareness. This helped build trust with new audiences. 

2) Lead-Generation Stage

We retargeted video-viewers with gated content (ebooks) to capture first-party-data. This meant we could target and segment audiences cross-channel without relying on cookies.

3) Nurture Stage 

We created a content calendar and nurtured audiences cross-channel by targeting segmented email lists. These lists were segmented based on demographics, interests, location etc. 

4) Action Stage 

Once audiences had been warmed up, they converted via Organic search, Social, PPC or Email. 

5) Advocacy Stage 

We encouraged repeat purchases and referrals by nurturing previous purchasers with tailored content.