Wolfgang Digital was born in 2007 after founder Alan failed to land his dream job at Google and decided to start a digital marketing agency from his kitchen table instead. In the years that followed Wolfgang has grown to become a successful, independent-thinking business. Here are some of our characteristics.
Europe’s #1 Digital Marketing Agency.
Google’s #1 Partner in EMEA x 2
Best Agency Globally x 4
Best Agency in Europe x 4
With over 150 international awards for our work, Wolfgang is Europe’s most awarded digital marketing agency. Each of the awards was won with exactly the same story: world-leading innovation & integration driving business growth.
Ireland’s first Employee-Owned Trust. Wolfgang Digital is proud to be the first Irish business to transition to the John Lewis model of Employee Ownership. We are now a business populated by business owners. This means:
- Your Wolfgang team has the commercial acumen to better understand your business.
- Having “skin in the game” means your Wolfgang team is highly motivated to grow your business.
- As “partners” in Wolfgang Digital, your Wolfgang team is empowered to optimise our business, to better grow yours.
We’re Reforesters. It's not just businesses we are passionate about growing. Since 2018, we’ve been contributing over 1% of our revenues to reforestation. We’ve been purchasing farmland and converting it back into native woodlands. The ‘gang has spent many happy days getting our hands muddy planting trees. In working with Wolfgang, your fees are sowing seeds that will one day become majestic forests.
The digital marketing world is complex and fast-moving.
Knowledge is frequently the difference between success and failure.
Read our case studies