By Alan Coleman on 21 Mar 2013
Today marks the seventh anniversary since the first tweet was sent into the Twittersphere…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWITTER! Our Thoughts Back Then Yes we all thought it was stupid. Yes we all thought it was a fad that would die a death and disappear after months of trying to smash into the then relatively new social networking landscape. How could anyone say what they wanted to say in 140 characters? And we only used the hash key to check our credit balance on our non-smart mobile phones…right? The Here and Now But what has happened? Twitter has eased its way into our lives. As Ireland’s leading content marketing professionals, we use Twitter every day. It’s a necessity rather than just a ‘nice to have.’ Twitter has not just taken over the lives of marketing professional’s all over the world. It has become a real-time news medium of many. People turn to it in times of national disasters such as floods and earthquakes; huge announcements such as the appointment of the new pope and royal engagements; all types of events ranging from the Olympics to small local conferences; even a customer service medium for some companies. Hashtags have nudged their way into our lives without us realising – so much so that they are no longer being used solely on Twitter. We use them in text messages and emails to express ourselves. They have been integrated into other social media platforms such as Pinterest and Google+ . Only Facebook announced last week that they are working to integrate hashtags into their platform. Hell, even politicians are using hashtags in their direct speech...#downgradedchancellor Twitter’s Greatest Hits To mark their seventh birthday, Twitter has released a greatest hits video, showcasing notable events and milestones from its short but impressive life so far. Check it out![embed][/embed]
We are looking forward to seeing what Twitter comes up with next, and how they are going to work to enhance content marketing strategies, customer service and brand engagement worldwide. Can you remember the first thing you Tweeted? This is our first Tweet...not half as cringeworthy as we thought!Don't forget to check us out if you are interested in executing a TWEETERIFIC content marketing strategy!