By Alan Coleman on 20 May 2015
Wolfgang Digital's Sarah Grogan and Roisin Linnie were present at the 3XE conference on Digital Content & Social Media Marketing in Dublin's Croke Park earlier this week. While there, they delivered an excellent talk on how to utilise social media and content in a modern digital marketing strategy. Here's a brief summary of what they talked about:
2015: The Year of the Audience - Learn How To Leverage Your Social Audiences
In short, building Custom Audiences allows you to specifically reach out to those customers who you already know a reasonable amount about with Facebook ads tailor-made just for them. With Custom Audiences, a digital marketer can directly target certain Facebook users through extremely accurate advertising strategies based on their own key social demographics, email activity and even telephone details. It is now also possible to create targeted Custom Audiences from people who have visited your website previously or from people who have used your company's mobile app. Custom Facebook Audiences are also part of the Facebook's long-term plan to streamline their social media platform and generate a much more concise user experience. This new breed of streamlined Facebook solutions has been specially designed to help move social media users along the purchasing funnel quickly, from the early stages of Awareness to Conversion and Advocacy. During Wolfgang Digital's talk at 3XE, Sarah, who specialises in content writing and social promotion, elaborated on the effectiveness of Facebook's Custom Audiences and how to correctly utilise them. Roisin, an expert in all types of social media (you don't get 7,000 Youtube followers for nothing!), spoke at length about clever ways to turn your social media audiences into your most powerful marketing tool. But don't take out word for it - check out Sarah and Roisin's slides below (complete with illuminating case studies) below and see what you can learn: [slideshare id=48455939&doc=wolfgangdigital-150521211846-lva1-app6892] To keep up to date with Wolfgang Digital's latest digital marketing musings and advice, be sure to follow us on Twitter and/or connect with us on LinkedIn.