By Alan Coleman on 1 May 2014
The Event On the 27th of March, Google graciously allowed us hold a Wolfgang client event in their fantastic new venue, "The Foundry". If you were there, you will remember thought-provoking talks from Google's Kate McCleary, Littlewood's Rossa Butler, serial interweb entrepreneur Niall Harbison, and of course the Wolfgang crew. There was a pretty hefty crowd on the day, with approx 100 registrants made up of Wolfgang clients & friends. Here are the slides! Here's the slide deck from the event. We believe the most useful presentations incorporate real world examples. In order to facilitate this, a number of our clients very generously allowed us to use their campaigns as case studies, stats and all! We've removed these case studies and their sensitive info from the published slides. I'm sure you'll understand why.
[slideshare id=34076097&doc=wolfgangclientmarch2014publishedpdf-140429065138-phpapp02]
If you have any questions/comments/ideas from the slides don't be shy, give us a buzz. Pictures of speakers & attendees. Our favorite photographer Dave Keegan took a bunch of great snaps on the day. See if you can find your gorgeous self among them here.
The Next One.
We run a client event every 6 months. We've big plans underway for Oct/Nov. See you then...if not before!