By Alan Coleman on 18 Jun 2013
As most of you know by now, here in the Wolfgang Digital office, we LOVE Twitter. We also love cool tools - especially those brought to our attention by our favourite bloggers such as Amanda Webb of Spiderworking. Can you image my excitement last night when I read Amanda's latest blog post which presented a cool tool for Twitter... Vizify creates a super cool trailer for you Twitter account. It pulls your most recent tweets, mentions, replies and photos, and magically merges them into a teaser video highlighting what your Twitter presence is all about. The content is also editable, and you can choose different music. This is what we came up with... We would love to see all your Vizifications! Why not leave a link to them in the comments below? Thanks again to Amanda Webb for sharing such a cool tool - keep 'em coming! Check out Amanda's Twitter teaser here. Siobhán