By Alan Coleman on 20 Sep 2013
In many ways the humble landing page is the forgotten child of digital marketers. Often overlooked or neglected, it will never reach its true potential.
But landing pages shouldn’t be ignored. They should be nurtured. They deserve your attention.
This week’s PPC Infographic of the Week is from our friends at Unbounce. We have used Unbounce ourselves to create bespoke landing pages for our clients, and then split test these landing pages to find the most effective one. It’s a fantastic service and when it comes to landing pages, Unbounce really know what they’re doing.
Many digital marketers don’t realise the importance of sending traffic to the most relevant possible landing page. First of all, Google actively reward advertisers who put in the hard work to show users the most relevant possible page to their search query. As we’ve said before, Google’s priority is to always give users the best possible experience, so that they will come back and use Google again.
Take, for example, a user who searches for ‘buy blue shoes’. If I have a website which sells clothes, I may want my ads to show for this search query.
So Google shows my ad, the user clicks on it, but what next? If the user arrives on my homepage, will they actually go on to find exactly what it is they are looking for? Some will, but some won’t.
So what if I send the user to my Shoes page? This is much better; the user is much closer to finding what they’re looking for. But is this the best I can do?
What if I could send the user to a dedicated landing page containing just blue shoes? This means the user has made a search and after one click has found exactly what they’re looking for, and Google (and your customers) will love you for this.
Even if we put the ‘Google will love you’ reason to one side, there is an even better reason for choosing dedicated landing pages, and it is a very simple one. By bringing a user to the exact page they are looking for, you increase the chances of them making a purchase. It is as simple as that.
We may not like to admit it, but people are lazy. We love when things are made easy for us. Every time you make a potential customer click to get to the page they’re looking for, you are just giving them another reason not to buy the blue shoes.
This infographic gives a great summary of the dos and don’ts when it comes to landing pages.