By Alan Coleman on 26 Jul 2013
A couple of weeks ago, Covario released figures on Global PPC ad spend for the second quarter of this year. I read a few related articles, and come across this great infographic from Hanapin Marketing on the state of the mobile market after Q1 of this year. The stats in it seem to be for the USA but still give a great idea of the fantastic value advertisers can get from a well-targeted mobile advertising strategy.
It starts out by outlining where PPC money was being spent in the first quarter of this year. The vast majority of PPC advertising money was spent on clicks on computers, a massive 86%. Almost 9% was spent on tablets, and 5% was spent on mobile devices such as smartphones. They then compare the average CPC spent on different devices, which was almost twice as high on computers as it was on mobile devices. In spite of 86% of adspend going to clicks on computers, only 81% of the total ad clicks were actually made on computers. Tablets received 10% of all clicks for 9% of the total adspend. Mobile devices, however, received 9% of the clicks for just 5% of the total adspend. This is means that mobile devices received an 80% higher share of clicks than they did of adspend. It is clear from these stats that mobile clicks are great value in driving traffic to your website. There is a caveat though. The average conversion rate was lower on mobile devices than other devices. A good deal lower, in fact. But they go on to make the point that on Facebook mobile ads actually converted 3 times better than desktop ads. This illustrates how important it is to not just be advertising on mobile for the sake of it, but to have a structured, targeted strategy to get the most out of your mobile adspend, and to maximise the great value offered by mobile clicks. If you can identify and target the areas in which mobile works best for you, there’s a fantastic opportunity for a really good ROI. We’re already looking forward to an infographic on the Q2 so we can see exactly what’s changed!