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By Alan Coleman on 5 Jun 2013

Ok, the secret is out, we think PPC Marketing is brilliant. Quelle surprise! Here’s my top 3 reasons why.

Advertise to People Who Are Ready To Buy:

With traditional advertising businesses would have to spend lots of money creating an ad, lots of money getting this ad seen by as many people as possible, and then sit back and hope that the ad was seen by a potential customer. Search marketing allows advertisers to show ads to people while they are actively looking for their product. For example, if you sell tennis shoes you can show your ad to someone who has just searched “buy tennis shoes”. And if they don’t click on your ad, you don’t pay a cent.

You’re Now Competing With Global Brands:

As we’ve said before, Irish businesses are no longer just competing with other Irish businesses. With more and more people buying or researching online, brands like Amazon and Ebay are now major competitors to Irish retailers. With Irish people’s migration online increasing year-on-year, this trend is only going to continue, and the big global brands are only going to become more of a threat to small Irish businesses.


I’ve saved the best 'til last. This is numero uno as far as I’m concerned. As I alluded to earlier on, there’s a certain amount of ‘hit-and-hope’ with traditional advertising platforms. John Wanamaker famously said "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”. With PPC marketing you can see exactly what is working, and what isn’t. Everything is measurable and if something’s not working for you, you can stop wasting money on it. Likewise if something is working particularly well, you can focus your efforts on furthering this aspect of your marketing strategy.

So why not try it out yourself?


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