By Alan Coleman on 10 Sep 2013
Myself and Alan just attended a great talk by Content Marketing Specialist Lee Odden from Top Rank Online Marketing. I was typing like a maniac so I could publish a blog post super quickly especially for all those people who just couldn't get to #CMWorld (you're missing out by the way, it's amazing!). Lee gave some insight into the future of content marketing. Here is the lowdown….
The future of content marketing
- Increase in author authority (yes that's the Google Authorship we keep harping on about!)
- More structure data – cards, microdata (schema)
- Increase in brand publishers competing with traditional media (Amex OPEN, Adobe CMP, Tablespoon)
- Publishers selling marketing services and platforms
- Big increase in native ads and sponsored content
- Consumption devices: Google Glass, Gesture Interfaces, Internet Enabled Cars and Appliances
- Visual - consumers are 44% more likely to engage with brands if they post pictures than any other media
- Viewers are 85% more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video
- Adaptive – real time – being able to monitor what is going on and being able to react straight away.
- Human – humour – gateway to the American (and we think Irish) psyche! People prefer to share “funny” over important
- Collaborative – content which is created by lots of people rather than just one person
- Co-creation
- Curation – taking content from different sources…employees, customers, the whole web
- Mobile and App Utility
- Search and social integration.
- Converged media – paid, earned, owned and shared media working all together
- Customer content journey (think about the purchase funnel that we love so much
- Storytellying and media 360 (omni-channel – transmedia storytelling)
What do you think the future of content marketing is? Are you prepared for these future trends? Or do you think they are already in the here and now of content marketing?