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By Alan Coleman on 25 Sep 2012

Google have released some great stats on how people watching TV are often also on another device.  The boring technical term for this is ‘simultaneous device usage’, but I much prefer the term ‘dual screening’. According to this research TV viewers are ‘dual screening’ 77% of the time!

(via http://www.google.com/think/research-studies/the-new-multi-screen-world-study.html)
This presents a great opportunity to get TV advertising and digital advertising working together. Some of our Clients have already recognised and benefitted from the effects of dual screening. One particular client sees an uplift in paid search traffic of 70% with a corresponding increase in click through rate immediately following a regular TV advertisement they’re running. The amazingly high click through rates  have a great effect on the Google AdWords quality score, but more importantly the increased traffic results in more sales. We have seen sales increase by up to 170% immediately following the TV ad. Good times in front of the telly for everyone.

Compliment Your TV Advertising With Strategic Digital Marketing

So, if you’re considering investing in TV advertising you might also consider harnessing the dual screening effect and kick start a savage digital marketing campaign. Check out the Wolfgang Digital award winning Google AdWords formula here for more information. Brendan
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