By Alan Coleman on 11 Oct 2012
So here we are at Day 2 of the Dublin Web Summit. Hopefully, you have checked out our recommendations for Day 1. Day 2 promises to be as enlightening and exciting as Day 1. There are less speakers but it is as hectic as ever with each speaker once again taking up a fifteen minute spot.
Please make recommendations in the comments section as to who else we should see.
Day 2 – Thursday 18th:
Joanna Lord, VP of Growth Marketing at SEOmoz: 9:15-9:30 – SEOmoz are giants in the SEO world and we are really looking forward to Joanna’s talk. She is known as a social media enthusiast so we are keen to hear if she has anything to say on the relationship between social and SEO. @joannalord
Bas Van Den Beld, Founder and Chief Editor of State of Search: 10:00-10:15 – We have seen Bas speak before and he is an engaging speaker. He is one of Digital Marketing’s top minds when it comes to Google and Search Engine Marketing. Do Not Miss! @basvandenbeld
Ryan Holmes, CEO of HootSuite: 10:15-10:30 – The brains behind HootSuite, a social media dashboard that facilitates the management of multiple social media accounts from one platform. Ryan is a much sought after expert in the social media sphere. Not only that he is a big surfer so we’re hoping to bend his ear on some good surfing spots round his way. @invoker
Cindy Gallop, Founder of Make Love Not Porn & IfWeRanTheWorld: 12:00-12:15 – Cindy has spoken about how pornography has distorted how young men perceive sex. She has recently founded Make Love Not Porn in an attempt to redress this issue. She is known as a compelling speaker having studied English at Oxford University. She style’s herself as the “Michael Bay of Business” as she “loves to blow shit up”. If that isn’t enough to get your interest then we don’t know what will do it. @cindygallop
Joe Fernandez, CEO and Co-founder of Klout: 12:45-“It’s all over for another year” – Joe brings the Digital Marketing stage to a conclusion. Joe is CEO at Klout who are the standard measure of online influence. Hopefully, he’ll be able to wrap things up by telling us who at the Web Summit has the greatest Klout! @JoeFernandez
And, sadly, that’s it. We’ll all have to go network in the nearest watering hole and hug each other as we contemplate having to wait another year to get our Web Summit fix.